Ideal for anyone wanting to create an online petition!

PetitionMX runs very well, and if you followed the setup instructions, you will have no problem.

However, we understand that you may come across an error some day, this is what this troubleshooting section is for!



Error Messages
When PetitionMX encounters a problem, you will be alerted of the problem, and given an error code.

Code 01:
Error: Unable to open file: petition.txt
Explanation: The file is CHMOD'ded incorrectly, or the file does not exist.
Solution: Ensure that the file is CHMOD'ded to 777, or if you have not uploaded the file, upload it to the same directory as petition.php.

Code 02:
Error: Unable to write to file: petition.txt
Explanation: Generally, this is because the file is CHMOD'ded incorrectly. If the file does not exist, it is more than likely you will be receiving error Code 01.
Solution: Ensure that the file is CHMOD'ded to 777.

Code 03:
Error: File is unwritable: petition.txt
Explanation: Generally, this is also because the file is CHMOD'ded incorrectly.
Solution: Ensure that the file is CHMOD'ded to 777.

Filling In All Fields
As a requirement, when a user signs a petition, their username and email address is required (comments are optional). Therefore, when one of these fields are left blank, the following message will be outputted:

Please fill all required fields

This is not a problem, all users have to do, is click the back button in their browser to add the required information. Any comments they made should still be there, and should not be lost.

Choosing A Topic
When installing your petition, you will be asked to write a topic about what users are actually signing the petition for. Your petition cannot be signed until a topic is made, and once it is made, it cannot be edited.



PetitionMX © battye 2005

Note: This programs author is not responsible for what users use this program for. That is solely the responsibility of the end user.