Ideal for anyone wanting to create an online petition!




  1. Upload petition.php & petition.txt (found in the 'files' folder of the zip) to your webserver (Make sure they are in the same directory).

  2. Using your FTP Client, CHMOD petition.txt to 777.
    For most clients; Right click petition.txt, Click CHMOD, and alter the numbers (likely to be 644) to 777.

  3. Run petition.php in your web browser. When it asks to type in a topic, type in a basic description of your petition.

  4. To sign the petition, click 'Sign Petition', near the top of the screen.

    Do not change the filenames of these files!



PetitionMX © battye 2005

Note: This programs author is not responsible for what users use this program for. That is solely the responsibility of the end user.